Rachelle says, I received my canvas over a month ago. I was eager to start and had a message I wanted to share but just wasn't quite sure how to start. Luckily I am a teacher and have a wonderful art teacher to collaborate with. What resulted was an experimentation of two art techniques and a growth in confidence in my creativity abilities! I have been working on a personal journey understanding the concept of time. Specifically how to slow down. I knew I wanted this to be the main message on my canvas. I decided to put the word STOP in the middle with a stop sign to catch people's eyes and force them to slow down and observe the canvas. I then wrote, appreciate the moment, smile. The two most important lessons I have learned on my time journey.
I live in Abu Dhabi and I wanted to be sure I left it somewhere it would be appreciated. I left it at the main cafe that is home to many art events in the city. I was surprised at how emotionally attached I had become to it and how hard it was to say good bye. Because I was reluctant to part ways, I made my good bye short and abrupt, as a result I didn't get a close up of the canvas…sorry! However, I am thankful for this experience as it challenged me to become more comfortable with my creativity and to know 'coloring in the lines' is not the only way to creativity is seen as 'good.' I am excited to see if my canvas gets discovered! Thank you for allowing me to be part of this project!
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