Showing posts with label robot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label robot. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Canvas #206: outside Velvet Olive, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

This is such a cool canvas. I think it's unlike anything else we've had created for The Blank Canvas Project so far, and I absolutely love it.

Daniel writes, My idea started with a button I like. A robot above "do not self destruct". Wise words from a button bound robot! The button is detachable, so the finder can wear said button during the day and return it to it's holding place for safe keeping at night, while dreaming about their new favourite painting. I abandoned or passed on my painting near the entrance to my favourite third home. All of the best that Red Deer has to offer come to plot against all the worst. A place for original music and bright ideas. It often contains people I greatly admire and some that I love. Thank you Erin, for allowing me to participate in your project! Every bit of the process was fun.

  I love all the photos Daniel sent! Isn't that little robot awesome?!?!
